TaskenterCorporate social networkWork as a team and increase your productivityTask Enter® is a Corpo...
TaskenterCorporate social networkWork as a team and increase your productivityTask Enter® is a Corporate Social Network that allows you to increase the productivity of your organization. It offers you tools for measurement, control, communication, time management and much more so that you and your collaborators are a great work teamProject and Group ManagementIn this module you will have the possibility to create projects and groups to assign tasks to your companys collaborators. Our APP Task Enter® organizes all operations in one place and strategically.Borderless communicationThe Task Enter® Video Calling Tool increases productivity. You can communicate immediately 24 hours a day and it also allows you to share content in real time, have conversations with excellent audio quality and high definition.Take care of the planetWith the implementation of this APP you will avoid using a notebook and printing unnecessarily, since all the information of the operation is recorded and presented in an orderly and easy to consult.how_to_regStreamline communicationTask Enter® was created in order to streamline communication between all members of a work team even if they are not geographically close.chatLive chatChat with your collaborators easily and simply, either from your PC or iOS or Android cell phone at full speed.Groups for chatCreate tasks by Groups or projectsThis type of Task Enter® organization allows you to work for specific teams or projects. With an administrator you can control that certain information is seen only by the indicated people.Task chat and systemSpecialized task managerYou will never miss an activity again. Task Enter® will remind you through its WEB application or its APPVideo calls and chatVideo callsYou are at a convention in Mexico City, but you have to work on a project with your work team. No problem, just connect and make your meeting in real time.All browsersCompatible corporate communication in:Any Android device, iPhone, Tablet, iPad, Pc, Mac and Linux. Access to Task Enter® is unlimited, you can access it through the WEB application or the APP.Statistics and reportsStatistics and reportsAnalyze the evolution of your projects, measure and control with exact statistics generated by Task Enter®Rocket teamworkTeamwork Better results!Teamwork requires order and that everyone is informed of the companys processes, Task Enter® is your powerful corporate communication tool.Reports and BIG DATAAutomatic databasesYour databases will be created as you use the application and in a short time you will have a reliable and easily accessible database.Productivity to the limit!This analysis tool is vital for the employer, since it allows you to measure the efficiency results of your work team from the administrative platform. Through this meter you can control the productivity of your organization, since it offers you exact and ordered statistical data to easier find the difficulties and correct them.Task Enter® Calendar and EventsThis module will allow your internal clients to organize their time for the fulfillment of tasks and not forget their meetings. With the calendar, the entire organization will be able to see the agenda of each one. Task Enter® linked to your emailYou can link your corporate email with the email generated by our application [email protected] in this way it sends emails that become tasks for your work team.